Memphis Union Station Tower 17

The pictures below are of the maintenance shed and garden area at Tower 17.
Contributed by Wiley E. Childs
Wiley L. Childs, Wiley E. Childs' father, was Signal Supt. for many years at MUS.

Contributed by Bill Strong
View appears to be from Tower 17

Contributed by Bill Pollard
This Union Railway of Memphis DS1000 is seen passing Tower 17 in the early 1960s.

Contributed by Bill Pollard
This Rock Island RS2 rebuild is seen passing Tower 17 in Memphis in the early 1960s.

Contributed by David Johnston
The bottom image was created by "zooming-in" on Tower-17 in the background of a 5/73 shot from Signal Bridge A that is posted on the "Broadway-IC Crossing Page"and is duplicated above.

Collection of Memphis Railroad & Trolley Museum
MP GP38 947 is seen passing Tower 17 on Broadway in 1974.

Contributed by Bill Pollard
This image is taken from the July 1944 NC&StL Bulletin covering their Memphis Yards. The operator seen here is Aaron ‘Jack’ Childs.

Contributed by Eric Fleet
Taken from Nashville, Chattanooga & St. Louis Railway Rules of the Transportation Department, Effective April 1, 1952.

Memphis Union Station Co - Electro-Pneumatic Interlocking
Union Switch & Signal Company mechanism -- 107 lever machine
51 levers for 35 switches, 8 double and 9 single slips, and 6 derails
34 levers for 34 signals
1 spare lever
21 spare spaces

Tower 17 Train Sheet

For information about the Memphis Central Station.

For information about the Other Passenger Stations of Memphis. This site is maintained by the Arkansas Boston Mountains Chapter of the National Railway Historical Society located in Springdale, Arkansas
For questions, email arkyrail at