General Motors
Electro-Motive Division

All photos by Mike Condren unless otherwise noted

Freight Units


With Dynamic Brakes
Mike Condren
These CB&Q FTs are draw-bar connected. Note the absence of stirrup steps where the units connect.
Dave Ingles
Without Dynamic Brakes
Note that these FTs are a mixture of drawbar connected and coupler connected units as indicated by the presence of 2 B-units. The A-unit and first B-unit are draw-bar connected. The second B-unit has couplers at both ends. This photo was taken in Russellville, AR on Feb. 13, 1949.
Charles E. WInters


Note the F2 designation under the engineer's window, under the painted unit number.
J. David Ingles


Louis Marre Collection
This type-1 F3 has a steam generator for passenger service. A F-7 style grill has been added to the air entake areas.
This string of F-units has two of the type-2 car bodies on the lead.
This string of F-units contain all three versions of the F3s: 3rd version A-unit, 1st verion A-unit, B-unit and 2nd A-unit version.


Some F3s built between August 1948 and February 1949 were sometimes referred to as "F5s"
Louis Marre and I climbed into the cab of this unit stopped in the Van Buren yard. We discovered that the ammeter was one which would be used in F7s, indicating that this was a hybrid between the F3 carbody and the F7 electrical gear.


The F7Bs contain steam generators for heating the passenger train. The vents for these steam generators are visible on this end of each B-unit.
The lead unit is an F7.
J. R. Christenberry


This unit is a F9 in a consist of other units.
This type-2 F3 has been up graded to F9 standards. This is one of 2 Frisco A-units which had Dynamic brakes.
They were originally paired with F-9 B-units which were purchased for interchange service as seen with them on the Santa Fe on Cajon Pass..
This type-2 F3 has been up graded to F9 standards without changing the car body except for the vent just behind the cab door and the addition of dynamic brakes..


Power for rail grinding train
Bob Wilt

This page was designed and is maintained by Mike Condren. If you have materials
that you would like to contribute, contact me at