DeQueen & Eastern
Texas Oklahoma & Eastern
Deirks Forrest

by Mike Condren

The DeQueen & Eastern was owned by the Dierks Forrest and ran east out of DeQueen, AR to various sawmills. The Texas Oklahoma & Eastern was also owned by the Dierks Forrest. I operated west out of DeQueen, AR to sawmills in southwestern Arkansas and southeastern Oklahoma. Dierks Forrest sold these railroads and its other lumber operations to Weyerhaeuer, ncluding plants northwest of Hot Springs, AR.

This Dierks Forrest 2-8-2 steamer is working in Pickens, OK on Dec. 30, 1959.
Louis A Marre Photo

This Dierks Forest steam engine is in the Queen Wilhelmina State Park. There is also a minature KCS Southern Belle which circles around the park. I shot this photo on Jan 3, 2011.

This Davenport 65ton diesel is seen in the engine terminal in DeQueen, AR on Feb 24, 1974.

The engine, seen above, is next seen at the Weyerhaeuser sawmill at Mountain Pine, AR.

This TO&E switcher is seen at a sawmill west of De Queen, AR in August 1975.

TO&E D-3 is seen in an unknown location.

DQ7E-D-5 is seen switching the yard in De Queen, AR on July 12, 1963.

The DQ&E D-6 GP35 is seen outside the shops in De Queen, AR on July 22, 1973.

DQ&E GP40s D-7 and D-14 and GP35 D-6 are seen outside the shops in De Queen, AR on Junly 22, 1973.

The 2 DQ&E GP40s and a third unit are seen at the engine service track in De Queen, AR on Feb 24, 1974.

GP40 D-7 is seen with a former KCS wooden caboose outside of the DQ&E station in De Queen, AR on May 27, 1979.

GP40 D-7 is seen in De Queen, AR on April 10, 1983.

TO&E D-10 is seen inside the shops at De Queen, AR in Aug. 1975.

NW-2 D-10 is seen outside the shops at De Queen, AR on May 27, 1979.

D-10 is sen again in De Queen, AR on June 18, 1983.

D-11 is seen outside the shops at De Queen, AR in August 1975.

TO&E D-12 is seen outside the shops in De Queen, AR in Aug. 1975.

GP40 D-12 is seen next at the engine service track at De Queen, AR on May 27, 1979.

D-12 is seen again in De Queen on June 18, 1983.

This GP40 is seen at the saw mill west of De Queen, AR on May 27, 1979.

TO&E D-13 GP40 is seen in De Queen on March 10, 1983.

GP40 D-14 of the TO&E sits outside the shops in De Queen, AR on July 22, 1973.

TO&E D-14 sits outside the shops in De Queen, AR on Feb 24, 1974.

TO&E D-14 is seen again in De Queen, AR on Oct. 5, 1985 after Weyerhauser took over the Dierks Forrest operation.


GP40 D-15 is next seen in the yard at De Queen, AR on Feb. 21, 1984.

TO&E D-16 is seen at the fueling station in De Queen, AR on June 18, 1983.

D-16 is seen 14 years later on June 12, 1997 in Valliant, OK in Weyerhauser colors.

TO&E switcher D-17 is seen at the sawmill west of De Queen, AR in 1974.

D-20 of the TO&E is seen in De Queen, AR on June 16, 1983.

In Weyerhauser colors we see TO&E D-23 at De Queen, AR on April 20, 1984.

D-23 is seen in this shot as the trailing unit of a consist in De Queen, AR June 12, 1997 and coupled to D-25 in the lower images.

After lunch and play time at McDonald's in DeQueen, we head for the shops of the T&OE/DQ&E and find these 4 units.

TO&E D-28 is seen in Vallient, OK on June 12, 1997.

This Morrison-Knutson loco leads a train in De Queen, AR on Aug. 11, 1982.

This switcher was awaiting painting and other work at the shops in De Queen, AR on

This exP&LE switcher was also parked outside the shops at De Queen, AR on Feb 2, 1974.

This TO&E log loader is in the sawmill just west of De Queen, AR in Aug 1975.

This turntable was in the DQ&E yard in De Queen, AR on June 12, 1997.

This steam powered derrick was aquired from the KCS. It used to serve the terminal at Heavener, OK. It was photographed in De Queen on June 12, 1997.
This site is maintained by the Arkansas Boston Mountains Chapter of the National Railway Historical Society located in Springdale, Arkansas
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