Dardanelle & Russellville Railroad

by Mike Condren
Loco Photos

August 14, 1971

Steam Days: Mid-COntinent Museum, North Freedom, WI August 14, 1971

July 11, 2012

When I got to North Dardanelle and the offices of the Arkansas Short Line Railroads, I discovered that the BNSF had a unit treated cross tie train waiting for a crew to head out. Bill Robbins took me to the 19th street crossing where I got these shots.
The Dardanelle & Russellville has never been noted for its high speed main line. These 2 units are the road power for this train.

Bill then took me to the rear end of the train where the D&R had coupled one of its SW1s on the end to give the train the necessary shove over the top of the grade.

We then headed for the D&R train waiting for the BNSF tie train to get on the UP and head for home.


This page was designed and is maintained by Mike Condren. If you have materials
that you would like to contribute, contact me at mcondren@cbu.edu