Arkansas & Missouri
Cab Ride on Ft Smith Turn
On Oct. 24, 1988 I got a cab ride in the third unit of the Ft. Smith turn. This first shot shows the train climbing the grade to Winslow. |
The train is then seen arriving at the grade crossing in downtown Winslow. |
This view of the Boston Mountains is from just south of the tunnel at Winslow. |
The train is then seen on treatle #1, 125 ft tall. |
The next view is between trestles 1 and 2. |
We are now approaching trestle #2. |
These next 4 shots were in the Montainburg area. |
The following two images are in the Lancaster area, including the bridge that appears in many photos. |
Next comes Rudy. This store was across the road from where the station stood when I shot it in 1961. |
The next series of shots were taken passing through Van Buren and out onto the Arkansas River bridge. |
Here we see the approach to the bridge. |
While we were stopped waiting for the bridge to come down, I went to the lead unit to get this shot. A can of Brass-O was kept in the cab of each locomotive so that the shine on the bell was always fresh. |
The next series of shots were made as we arrived in the Ft Smith North Yard. |
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